Kathmandu: Global Telemedicine Centre has been inaugurated at Nepal National Hospital, Kalanki.
Minister of State for Health and Population, Dr Surendra Yadav, today inaugurated the service at the hospital at collaboration of Global Telemedicine Centre, America, and Rotary Club of International.
On the occasion, State Minister Yadav expressed happiness for providing health service by maximum utilizing technology.
He said, “The government has set target to provide access of health services to all the people. The government has the belief that the telemedicine service will help to fulfill government’s target.”
Similarly, Chairperson of Kathmandu Metropolitan City-15, Shova sapkota, said that the hospital has started good task providing service through new technology in short period.
Likewise, medical Director of the hospital, Dr Prakash Poudel, said that they have started providing easy and smooth health service to the people of remote areas collaborating with Global Telemedicine Centre, America.
The telemedicine service has been set up Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj, Sahid Gangalal Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital and Karnali Institute of Health Sciences along with Nepal National Hospital with collaboration of Centre.