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Debate on ‘international player’ continues in parliamentary committee

Published Date : December 20, 2019

            Kathmandu, Dec 20, 2019 : A parliamentary committee could not sort out the issue concerning the standard for ‘international player’.

            The Education and Health Committee, House of Representatives today too went through clause-wise deliberations on the ‘bill to make provisions for the development of sports, 2075 BS’, but failed to forge the consensus on the matter. The deliberations have been taking place since last Tuesday.

            The committee members were of the view of recognising all players participating in the international sports tournaments as ‘international players’.

The opinion of Minister for Youth and Sports Jagat Bahadur Bishwakarma is different. According to him, only a player winning the medal in the international match should be declared the ‘international player’.

            Following the committee’s inability to resolve the issue, the Ministry is to rewrite about the issue.

            “If the participation in international matches is our criteria for declaring international player, all 600 players who had participated in the recent South Asian Games (SAG) shall be identified as international players,” the Minister said.

            “There are several sports associations and federations under the umbrella of Olympic Committee. If players included in matches to be organised by such bodies, the definition of international player may give another meaning. ”

            Committee member Jeevan Ram Shrestha, who is also the Chair of Nepal Olympic Committee, argues for acknowledging all faces taking part in the international competition as international players.

We have done nothing significant for players, and this will obviously help increase their confidence level and it is necessary for their respect as well, according to him. Committee another member Gagan Thapa is of the view of developing criteria for the international player.
